Hochschule Kontakt Ausbildungen 
 PH Oberösterreich

Mag. Dr. Sara Hinterplattner, BSc
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30 ECTS, 4 Semester, Specialist in Gifted Education
 PH Niederösterreich

Mag. Doris Miestinger
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5 ECTS, 1 Semester, Grundlagen der Begabungsförderung (nicht ECHA zertifiziert, aber anrechenbar)

15 ECTS, 2 Semester, Certificate in Gifted Education

30 ECTS, 4 Semester, Specialist in Gifted Education

90 ECTS, 6 Semester, Masterlehrgang: "Begabung entfalten; Schule entwickeln"

 KPH Wien/Krems Denise Hofer, MSc MA BEd
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30 ECTS, 4 Semester, Specialist in Gifted Education
 PH Steiermark Mag. Sonja Pustak
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15 ECTS, 2 Semester, Certificate in Gifted Education

30 ECTS, 4 Semester, Specialist in Gifted Education

 PH Burgenland HS-Prof. Mag. Dr. Klaus Novak
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15 ECTS, 2 Semester, Certificate in Gifted Education
 PH Tirol

Dipl.-Päd. Cornelia Tschuggnall

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15 ECTS, 2 Semester, Certificate in Gifted Education